To run a marathon or not! That is the question.

Twin Cities Marathon

Image by Deadly Tedly via Flickr

My dear friend, Julie, hit me up with a request I was not expecting.  She wants me to run the Twin Cities Marathon with her coming up in October.  Julie is an experienced marathoner. She has multiple finishes under her belt across a handful of cities including Chicago, Boston and Duluth. She thinks I can do it. I have successfully completed 3 half marathons in the last couple years, but just can’t seem to muster up the courage to try a full 26.2 mile course.  I gave it serious consideration last year but then never signed up.  There are a few things holding me back.

  1. Time needed for proper training
  2. Fear of long-term damage to knees or other joints and muscles
  3. Possible blisters or other unmentionable issues with my well manicured feet

I do give Julie credit for asking. She got me thinking. And I didn’t give her a flat-out “NO”.    I love running. I seriously enjoy training with my friends.  And it would be really cool to say that I completed a marathon, even if it’s just once in my life.  But then I think back to some of those more painful moments running just 13.1 miles.  Check out this photo from the Minneapolis Half in 2010.  To say I was uncomfortable at this juncture would be an understatement. Between the hills and the heat, this half for me, was hell.

Feeling the Heat

But I did finish.   That’s me and Julie at the finish line. And this runner was happy.

We did it!

So what would you do if you were me? I’m turning 43 in a few weeks.  My work-career path is a little uncertain. My kids’ baseball schedules are all over the place.  Do I just reserve my spot and go for it?  If you run marathons, would love to hear how you got started and what advice you can give me and others who might be considering their first marathon. Also, if you have a story about your first marathon please share it.